You have probably heard of "Tree Change" or "Sea Change"? But what about a "City Change"?
At 50+, we have made the move from country Victoria to Brisbane. Why?
We followed the signs!......................
This is totally out of character for me. I am an over thinker and will normally think about every option, possibility, benefit, disadvantage and even make lists of pros and cons before making important decisions! However this time I made a decision totally out of character (and without logic?)
I wont bore you with details but over the last couple of years all the 'stars aligned' and one event after another led us to great change and moving to Brisbane.
So after a lifetime of living and working in country Victoria and 32 years working with one employer, we have uprooted our lives and moved to inner city suburban Brisbane.
We don't know how long we shall be in Queensland, so we want to experience as much of this lovely State as we can.
I am a believer in "Everything Happens for a Reason" but also believe that we have control of our own destiny. This may seem contradictory, but the opportunities have presented at the right time and we have taken advantage of them; bringing us to Brisbane.
So NO! We are NOT crazy! We are NOT having a mid-life crisis! We have grasped opportunities, changed our priorities and are experiencing new things!
"The Comfort Zone is a wonderful place, but nothing ever grows there"
(First heard at a Vicki Writer motivational presentation:
Tell your life where to go; Don't wonder where it went)
Tell your life where to go; Don't wonder where it went)