Monday, March 16, 2020

2020 A-Z Challenge Preview

Are we crazy?  Or are we having a mid-life crisis?

You have probably heard of "Tree Change" or "Sea Change"?  But what about a "City Change"?

At age 50 something, we made the move from country Victoria to the city of Brisbane, Queensland.  Why?

We followed the signs!......................

This was totally out of character for me.  I am (was) an over-thinker and will normally think about every option, possibility, benefit, disadvantage and even make lists of pros and cons before making important decisions!  However, this time we made a decision totally out of character, based on gut-feeling rather than logic!

I won't bore you with the details, but over the prior years all the 'stars aligned' and one event after another led us to great change and moving to the sunnier and warmer climate of Brisbane.  After a lifetime of living and working in country Victoria and 32 years working with one employer,  we uprooted our lives and moved 1500 kilometres north to suburban Brisbane and uncertainty.

Being new-comers to this stunning state of natural beauty, we have spent many of our weekend's (with my camera in hand) exploring Queensland.  Over the month of April, I shall share some of my photos and favourite discoveries in Queensland.  I hope that I can inspire you to get out of the house and explore your local area.....or Queensland.

Sharon xo     

Brisbane and the iconic Story Bridge, which changes colour to celebrate events
"The Comfort Zone is a wonderful place, but nothing ever grows there"
(First heard at a Vicki Writer motivational presentation: 
Tell your life where to go; Don't wonder where it went)

#AtoZChallenge 2020 badge


  1. I love a good travel post/experience and I'm looking forward to your posts. Happy A to Z.

  2. Travel challenges are always fun. It's like visiting those places.
    Can't wait!

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - Living the Twenties

  3. I love to travel and learn about new destinations. Looking forward to learning more about Queensland. Weekends In Maine

  4. Looking forward to learning more about Queensland - sounds like great fun.

  5. Photos of Queensland. Would definitely enjoy them.

    Trying to document IE practice in Top Global Engineering Companies. #AtoZChallenge April Writing
    Industrial Engineering Practice in Top Global Manufacturing Companies - Top 100
    Industrial Engineering Practice in Top Global Manufacturing Companies - Top 100

  6. We spent our honeymoon in Australia and fell in love with the friendly people and the fantastic locations. In Brisbane we encountered the downpour of the century, so we will have to come back for a better impression!

    1. It can certainly bucket down.....but not very often. You shall need to come back again :)

  7. Would love to read about your experiences. Good luck for an amazing April 2020, Sharon :)
    Do check out if my theme interests you:

  8. For some reason, I don't think you could bore me with your details. ;) I enjoy good travel stories!

    I'll be writing about some places from a fictional standpoint though!
